Services - Pendulum Risk
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On-location Services, Desk-based Consulting, and Training 

Happy mature leader handshake

On-Location Services

On-site Risk Assessment (RA)

Pendulum leads the healthcare industry in conducting on-site risk assessments. From the customized visit to the written report, Pendulum risk assessments are an effective tool utilized by insurance underwriters, agents, and brokers to make proactive and informed decisions regarding professional liability insurance coverage and market placement. The on-site risk assessment report also assists the insured provider with risk reduction strategies to minimize risk and improve defensibility. This report can be utilized by the provider in acquiring professional liability insurance. A written report of assessment findings, including recommendations, is sent to the client and insured after the assessment.

Hospice and Home Health Services

Pendulum offers a wide-variety of on-location services for hospice and home health care organizations, including our signature one-day professional liability risk assessments as well as focused reviews of specific areas of concern and customized clinical consulting. Pendulum’s hospice and home health care services are performed by highly skilled consultants who have direct experience as leaders in these fields.

Allied Health Services

Pendulum allied health risk management services include on-location consulting in the form of a traditional risk assessment or a focused review of an area in need. Desk-based work is also available for policy and procedure review or process overview. On-site and webinar training is available as well. Allied health encompasses those health professions that are distinct from medicine or nursing and represent 60 percent of all health care providers.

Customer Service Assessment

Care and services represent only one part of what a healthcare facility provides to its patients, residents, and clients. Customer service is another factor in providing care and services and its importance cannot be overstated. Organizations that don’t promote exceptional customer service to their patients, residents, clients, and their families run the risk of not only litigation, but possible poor regulatory survey outcomes and reduced census. This assessment, performed by a seasoned, customer service-focused risk management specialist, evaluates an organization’s key policies and practices. A report with practical recommendations for program enhancement is provided.

HUD Risk Management Services

Pendulum HUD assessments reflect various HUD requirements addressing both risk management and Quality of Care. In addition to an operational and clinical risk management review, these assessments include a more in-depth analysis of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) categories including the overall star rating of a facility, health inspections, staffing, quality of resident care and measures, and deficiency trends. A review of the facility’s compliance, ethics, and infection control program is also included.


Pendulum offers other services to meet specific HUD requirements, including event management system review and third-party review of incidents.

OIG Compliance Assessment

The OIG Compliance Program Assessment is a one-day assessment with a focus on the structure of the organization’s compliance program, communication and reporting systems and processes, internal audit, assessment, and monitoring processes as well as the compliance training program. Recommendations on how to develop or enhance the compliance program are provided in a comprehensive report to the client.

HIPAA/HITECH Compliance Assessment

Pendulum offers organizations a privacy and security compliance and risk assessment that serves to evaluate an organization’s compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) privacy and security standards and assess the overall security, integrity, and associated processes to ensure the proper management of protected health information. Each professional compliance assessment includes real-time consulting services during the assessment process as well as a detailed report with current recommended best practices.


Comprehensive Desk-based Risk Management Assessment

The comprehensive desk-based assessment is an effective tool utilized by insurance underwriters, agents, brokers, and providers to make proactive and informed decisions regarding risk and defensibility. This assessment may be conducted in lieu of the on-site risk assessment and includes review of the same operational and clinical professional liability risks as the on-site review with a virtual component for the tour and review of resident records. A written report covering the same content as the on-site risk assessment report (findings and recommendations) is sent to the client and insured after the assessment. The assessment is available to service providers and allied health insureds as well.


Pendulum’s infection prevention and control assessment is also available as a comprehensive desk-based assessment.


Customer Service Training

Pendulum’s Customer Service—Service Excellence Training Program will give your staff, managers, and leaders practical knowledge and techniques to strengthen your customer service program. This is an on-location training program and is customized based on the team members that will be attending the training, with the number of days determined by the topics to be covered and the number of times and locations for the presentation.

Focused Training

Pendulum’s focused training is created to suit each client’s specific needs. Training on many topics related to risk management and specialty programs is available. Training can be conducted on-location or remotely via a live or recorded webinar.

Pendulum Products and Tools

Serious focused businesswoman typing on laptop holding papers preparing report

Web-based Tools

Pendulum Risk Management Resource Center for Senior Housing

Through an annual subscription to the Pendulum Risk Management Resource Center for Senior Housing, users may access numerous documents online to assist the facility administrator or clinician in the management of risk in the healthcare setting.

The Pendulum Risk Management Resource Center is updated regularly to ensure users are viewing current information on issues and trends in the healthcare setting.

Get in Touch

We’d love to speak with you about your risk management needs.


Need a liability risk assessment, on-site consultation or a specialty program? Our skilled consultants are ready to chat about our wide-range of services the Pendulum team can offer you and your business.

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